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Youth and Community Mobilization 

Focused Youth Impact (FYI) is our highly engaging, interactive, and research-based model for the effective engagement of 21st Century Students seeking opportunities to impact schools, communities, and individuals in healthy, positive, and productive ways. 


History and our story have taught us that if change for the better is going to happen, it can’t just happen to young people; it must happen through them. Our philosophy is that engaging and empowering young people to become actively involved in community impact happens when a strong sense of Connection, Competency, and Contribution occurs.

Connection – Strong authentic connection with their peers, caring adults, and a meaningful purpose or cause.
Competency – Strong sense of confidence in their competence, based on training, preparation, allies, and resources.
Contribution – Strong sense of value rooted in the opportunity to make a significant contribution to their village.

Youth and adults will walk away:

Knowing (Information) 

1. How young people have historically played a significant role in positive community impact.

2. How to identify the needs, existing resources, engagement opportunities, and potential allies for positive community impact.

3. How to share compelling stories regarding positive impact opportunities with parents, peers, the public, and potential supporters. 


Feeling (Inspiration)
1. Connected to a community of care amongst their fellow peers and adult allies. 
2. Inspired to believe that they have a voice and an opportunity to make a difference.
3. Empowered to make personal healthy choices, promote healthy choices to their peers, and advocate for their community to have a chance for better health outcomes through effective advocacy and policy work.

Ready to do (Activation)
1. Create a positive community impact action plan (consisting of tools, timelines, activities, and roles) 

2. Assign roles and responsibilities for their positive community impact plan. 

3. Identify how their positive community impact plans include data collection, community mobilization, education campaigns, effective message communication strategies.


R.E.A.C.H. Communications, Inc. has spent the last 15 years conducting research and providing training / consultation / and speaking services to communities, programs, and organizations in 45 states, 12 countries, and countless communities. We look forward to the opportunity to create a strong working partnership with your organization as well.

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